Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An update

Where to begin... I've been trying to sort out some health issues as of late. I've been catching every little bug around, it seems, and it'd started to become worrisome. I went to the doctor and got a few tests done, and everything looks good. We're attributing it to stress and depression and starting treatment for that.

Monday I ended up in the ER because I'd been running a fever over 103 degrees, my head was killing me and my body was so sore it hurt to move. After a gamut of blood tests, a CAT scan, and a spinal tap, they decided whatever I have is viral and isn't going to kill me, so I've just got to wait it out. I'm still running a fever, but I can keep it down by piggy-backing acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The only real problems at this point are keeping up with the meds to keep away the fever/pain, the cold sweat that comes along with breaking the fever, and the fact that I can't work... again.

I have to take my MI teacher certification test this Saturday. It's just the basic skills test so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Time to get some more rest.


Jennifer said...

Man, Im sorry that you are so sick. I hope that you get better soon. I will be praying for you - and praying that no one else gets it too.

Good Luck on your teacher certification test on Saturday. Will be saying prayers for that as well.


Laner said...

Take care of yourself!! How's the little one? I am thinking of you.

Honduras Sprout said...

Haven't heard from you in a while now. Are you feeling better? One question...did you tell the docs that you were south of the boarder for a time when you were so sick?
Hope everything is going okay.

Kathleen said...

A spinal tap!?! OMG, it went THAT far?